The Indian Government wanted 200 tons to be moved in 4 days. Anil Mantra was asked on the 25th of March to arrange for the flights to land on or before 1600 hrs on the 31st into Delhi. As 27th to 29th March Indian DGCA was closed for holidays getting permissions was s challenge. Crew for the flights was another challenge. VN gave their full, rather 200% support to Anil Mantra to fight this situation and even cancelled a few domestic flights to accommodate the special request and finally schedule a combination of A350 and A321 landing almost four times a day starting from the 29th to the 31st of March.
Anil Mantra Aviation is a member of Cross Ocean representing India (Delhi)
View Profile: Anil Mantra Aviation Private Limited
View Website: http://www.anilmantragroup.com/