Casper Chartering is Corporate Partner with The Mission to Seafarers

Casper Chartering is Corporate Partner with The Mission to Seafarers

Providing backing and support both financially and by raising awareness so that they can continue the excellent work they do in offering support and assistance to the thousands of #Seafarers who dedicate themselves to keep #worldtrade flowing.

Here is a brief summary of what The Mission to Seafarers are doing in terms of current support for Seafarers:

  • In as many of the 200 ports around the world as possible we are offering emotional, practical and if asked spiritual support to seafarers. Many of the frontline team are trained in mental health, first aid and counselling so they can assist with all these kinds of problems.

-Communications – Where possible, if seafarers dont have access to exteral communications, the teams can provide support with equipment such as MiFi Units with extra data to have onboard (And in many instances allowing the vessels to sail with the equipment as opposed to just having onboard whilst in port) or providing Sim cards where necessary.

-The Samaritans Fund has been increased which is available to use as grants to seafarers who need financial support / assistance.

During the course of the next 3 months, Casper Chartering will post regular updates in regards to efforts and success which has been made by the partnership and we aim to deliver as much support as possible to those working as seafarers on the frontline at sea.

For anyone else who is able to offer support or assistance in any way for such a valuable cause, please reach out to Maurizio Borgatti Dip at to discuss further.

Casper Chartering is a Service Provider to Cross Ocean

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