OOG Plus Completed a Challenging Solar Energy Transport Project from China to Turkey

Completed a Challenging Solar Energy Transport Project from China to Turkey

OOG Plus recently successfully completed a challenging shipment of solar energy project items from China to Turkey in March. The shipment involved two POL, Tianjin and Shanghai, and required a total of 740FR OWOH+240HQ from Tianjin and 440FR OWOH + 1940HQ from Shanghai, all destined for Izmir, Turkey.

The project faced several challenges, particularly in Tianjin where the original plan to book COSCO for the shipment was thwarted due to lack of slot availability. With their expertise in the industry, OOG Plus quickly managed to secure available slots with MSK, enabling them to proceed with the shipment without any further delays.

The challenges in Shanghai were more complex, with the client facing a lack of container availability, causing delays and uncertainty for over two weeks. The team stepped in, quickly sourcing the required containers and providing professional guidance on secure strapping and bundling to avoid any unnecessary delays caused by the shipping line.

Despite these difficulties, OOG Plus managed to deliver the project within the agreed timeframe, from assisting the client with container allocation to final shipment. The entire process was completed in just under a month, ensuring a successful outcome for the client.

OOG Plus is a member of Cross Ocean representing China (Shanghai)

View Profile: OOG Plus
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