Project description:
Qty: 2
Commodity: Wire Rope Reels
Dimensions per reel: 390 X 390 X 330 cm
Gross weight per reel: 59 tons
POL: Singapore
POD: Baku, Azerbaijan
The reels were loaded on a container vessel as breakbulk from Singapore to Istanbul where they were loaded on lowbed trailers for further delivery to Baku, Azerbaijan.
These photos show the collection in Singapore from supplier’s premises to Singapore port, loading on the vessel, lashing / strapping onboard, discharging in Istanbul from the vessel directly on trailers for further delivery to Baku, Azerbaijan.
G M B International Shipping is a member of Cross Ocean representing Azerbaijan & United Arab Emirates
View Profile: G M B International Shipping (Azerbaijan) | G M B International Shipping (UAE)
View Website: http://gmbintl.com/