Interview with
Mr. Erhan Gulkanat
Managing Partner & General Manager

Can you give some background information about NEOS Maritime & Shipping Agency S.A.?
Neos Maritime & Shipping Agency S.A. was established in September 2018 by three business partners in Istanbul, Turkey. After having 18 to 20 years of experience in the shipping business, all three old friends decided to come together and set up the new agency company, Neos Maritime & Shipping Agency S.A.
The word NEOS comes from Greek language and means NEW & YOUNG! Staying New & Young will be our philosophy no matter how many years will pass.
After having two hectic years, taking strong steps meanwhile, Neos Maritime gained the trust of ship owners and charterers. Therefore, Neos has been rewarded by being appointed general agent of some charterers & shipowners during this short time of period.
What are the international and domestic (river) ports where Neos Maritime operates?
Neos Maritime operates in the Dardanelles & Bosphorus straits (channels) with the attendance of our own office in Istanbul. We also provide port agency service in all Turkish ports.
The Marmara region is covered by the Istanbul main office. The Mediteranean and Blacksea regions are handled by semi-owned or sub offices while all the operation and attendance for those regions are controlled by the head office team as well.
Which ports are suitable for breakbulk and heavy lift cargo in Turkey? What is the quay crane capacity?
We can list the most suitable ports for breakbulk and heavy lift operation as follows by regions:
- Marmara region—Haydarapasa (Istanbul), Derince, Belde Port, Tekirdag, Bandirma, and Gemlik ports
- Aegeon region—Izmir and Aliaga ports
- Mediterranean region—Iskenderun and Mersin ports
- Black sea region—Samsun and Hopa ports
All the above ports have similar types of shore cranes, Gottwalds & Liebherrs, and the lifting capacities of such cranes are between 100 mts SWL to 150 mts SWL.
There is also the possibility to hire mobile cranes from private crane companies who have an available fleet of cranes up to 1.000 mts lifting capacity.
Are there inland waterways that connect to other countries?
In Turkey, there are no navigation rivers, but we have two big straits connecting the different seas, Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits. The Dardanelles Strait is in Canakkale city and is a big strait connecting the Mediterranean sea to the Marmara sea. The Bosphorus Strait is a big and very important strait, being the only connection to the Black Sea and also the channel in Istanbul, separating the continents of Asia and Europe.
Neos Maritime & Shipping Agency S.A. provides agency service in the Dardanelles & Bosphorus Strait by its own office in order to ensure transit passage for all types of vessels. In addition to agency services in both straits, Neos is able to provide crew change, crew medical assistance, spare part delivery, CTM delivery, repairing and ship technical supply.
Which type of vessels does Neos Maritime mainly serve?
In general, Neos Maritime & Shipping Agency is able to perform the agency for all types of vessels, breakbulk, heavy lift, tankers, LPG, RORO, and cruise vessels, but Neos mainly focuses on the breakbulk & heavy lift markets because of the partners’ backgrounds. However, Neos is ready to welcome all types of vessels ☺.
Finally, please tell us how you personally became involved in the shipping industry.
In 2003, I started my professional career in a shipping agency company in Istanbul as a boarding agent. Since then, I have had the chances to take responsibilities in different departments of agency companies. Between the years of 2010 to 2015, Iwas busy in the chartering department for the breakbulk & heavy lift market as a booking agent of some worldwide carriers mainly SAL Heavy Lift GmbH.
I continued my career as agency manager till 2018 September. I left the company where I used to work to establish Neos Maritime with my partners. Since then, I have had the position of general manager in the company.
Please provide contact person and details at NEOS Maritime.
Mr.Erhan Gulkanat – Managing Partner & General Manager
Neos Maritime & Shipping Agency S.A.
Tel +90 216 356 06 64
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