QAS Charter Extends Gratitude to Friends & Colleagues Around the World for Support and Gives Air Charter Options for Aid Deliveries to Turkey

QAS Charter Extends Gratitude to Friends & Colleagues Around the World for Support and Gives Air Charter Options for Aid Deliveries to Turkey

At the moment, ADA (Adana Airport), GZT (Gaziantep Airport), DIY (Diyarbakır Airport) are fully operational for relief efforts. Also, Turkish Airforce and Turkish CAA declared clear fly zone for relief flights through Turkish Aerospace. QAS Charter can handle wide body freighters as AN-124 / B747F / B777F / A330F / B767F at ADA and GZT Airports. Also, they can handle ramp loading a/c’s such as AN-124, IL-76, AN-12 at all three ADA, DIY, GZT Airports.

QAS Charter would like to advise that they have AN-124, B747-200/400F, B777-200F, IL-76 and AN-12 availability form Gulf, CIS, China, Indian Subcontinent and Europe.

In case any needs assistance with cargo charter requests please feel free to contact them.

QAS Charter is a Service Provider to Cross Ocean

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